Company Name: | Edison Pope Ltd (“the Company”) |
Policy Name: | Agency Workers Complaint’s Policy and Procedure |
Date: | February 2019 |
Agency Workers Complaints Policy
The Companyis committed to ensuring the equal treatment of agency workers in respect of conditions that relate to pay and working time as required by the Agency Workers Regulations 2010 (AWR) and any amended legislation from time to time in force.
Informal Complaints
If you have any concerns about equal treatment, these should initially be dealt with on an informal basis and you should contact Josh Wolstenholme, Divisional Manager, by phone on 0161 914 5738 in the first instance so that we can try to resolve your complaint informally.
Any requests for information in respect of conditions that relate to pay and working time should be addressed to the Company in the first instance.
Formal Complaints
If the informal process above is unsuccessful and you have completed 12 weeks service with the Hirer, you may request from the Company a written statement containing information relating to the treatment in question. This request must be made in writing to the Company Directors at 1st Floor Office, 290 Blackpool Road, Preston, PR2 3AE.
On receipt of a written request the Company will have 28 days to respond to the request. Our response will include the following:
- Relevant information relating to the basic working and employment conditions of the Hirer’s workers;
- The factors we considered when determining the basic working and employment conditions which applied to you at the time you allegedly did not receive the equal treatment you claim you were entitled to receive;
- Relevant information which explains the basis on which the Hirer’s comparable employee was identified and the relevant terms and conditions applicable to that employee.
In the event that we do not satisfactorily comply with this request within 30 days of you making your formal request to us, then you may instead request a written statement from the Hirer, as to the information relating to the relevant basic working and employment conditions that apply to the Hirer's own workers. This can only be made to the Hirer once 30 days from the date of the original request to the Company has passed.
If a complaint cannot be resolved by the above means, or by agreement between the parties, you may bring a complaint in the Employment Tribunal regarding the alleged less favourable treatment.